Speed to market is paramount.
Don’t let setup slow you down.

Instant access to leading LLMs with zero infrastructure management

Check our API documentation

How it Works

1. Experiment. 

Easily experiment with top Large Language Models through our platform, which provides simple access to these advanced AI tools at a low cost. Our user-friendly solution lets you interact with Hugging Face’s leading LLMs without technical expertise.

2. Choose your model.

Infermatic allows you to effortlessly experiment with the planet’s top Large Language Models from Hugging Face’s LLM Leaderboard. Access LLMs using our super-simple interface for no to low cost.

3. Go to production.

Just like that, you are ready to launch. We host the LLM and manage every aspect of the backend on our secure servers. With our API, you do what you do best – write code and create great products.

Automatic Model Versioning

Seamlessly manage and transition between model iterations, ensuring you always deploy the most updated and efficient version without the manual hassle.

Real-time Monitoring

Stay ahead with instant insights. Monitor model performance and health in real time, allowing for swift interventions and optimal operations.

Unrestricted Results

Experiement without guardrails on a secure platform, allowing you to iterate your product to its full potential.

G2G: Geek-to-Geek

Looking for our sales department? We don’t have one. Infermatic is by geeks, for geeks. We’re passionate about this technology and want to reach others who are as well. Infermatic is unique because we connect the customer directly to the model via our API endpoint—no provisioning, no configuration, and no cold starts.

We focus on just two things: state-of-the-art hosting for advanced ML models and fine–tuning robust APIs.

We focus on just two things: state-of-the-art hosting for advanced ML models and fine–tuning robust APIs.

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